Support Our Heroes

Your donation will help law enforcement families experiencing difficult times. You can donate a set amount provided for you on our form or sign up for a recurring donation and support Christian’s Touch monthly. Your donations are much appriciated by us and the families we serve. Thank you!

100% of donations go towards program expenses. All administrative costs are covered by Christian’s family.

Give the Gift of Donation:

If you are looking for the perfect gift this Christmas, consider making a donation to Christians Touch in you loved ones honor. Impactful giving made easy. .

 How to Gift a Donation:

You can donate through the website or mail a check to the address listed below.  After donating please email a list of the names and addresses who you wish to gift your donation to: Christians Touch will send a personalized card in the mail to the individual(s) listed in your email. The personalized card will not reveal the donation amount.

Mail Checks Payable to:

Christian’s Touch

6196 New Forsyth Road Macon, Ga 31210

Or Donate Below
