Let me tell you a story about Christian…..


Walter Wasnieski

Where do I begin to say what impact Christian had on my life?  I have never met someone who lived the example it’s not the size of the man in the fight it is the size of the fight in the man!

I met Christian the first time in 2016.  We quickly became fast friends.  Christian & I struck up a conversation within 5 minutes of meeting and that lasted the better part of 6 years, he would call me or text me at random times with questions about Robert the Bruce, Jesse James and Free Masonry.    Sometimes I’d wake up to texts from him at 4:30AM, and if I didn’t answer right away, he would call me right after he got up.  He loved talked about his pets especially Wilbur his pet pig.   Outside of my wife & three daughters he was the only other person who I always picked up the phone for & if by chance I missed his call I am glad I have a few voice mails saved from him because I do find myself listening to them.    He never told me how sick he was and when I would ask him his reply was “you have to worry about your family”. But he was family and will remain a Brother to me.  Last time I saw Christian we were talking outside the hotel, and it was late, so I say to him “come on let me walk you back to your hotel room”. We get on the elevator and take it to the floor he was staying on; he then takes me on a walk around the floor and he gives me a sly smile because he wanted to hang out as long as he could.   I run a charity golf outing and last year and every year going forward there is a sign in Christian’s memory, last year I cried like a baby looking at it.  His passing hit home, I learned through him that WE ONLY DIE ONCE, BUT WE LIVE EACH DAY SO MAKE IT COUNT

Ted Scott

Christian was hilarious! His wit and fun loving spirit was infectious. I always enjoyed being around he and Calen. He had such a great attitude which was inspiring to many! Miss you bud! 



Randy Nantz

From the first day I met Christian, I loved his outlook and perspective. He was also quite witty and had a great sense of humor. His determination and zest for life were inspiring. Some of the funniest stories shared was about how Russ and him pulled jokes on each other throughout the years. One of my most favorite times occurred when I was unable to play one year, and I got to ride the cart with those two the entire day. To me that was priceless. It was a day full of laughter and fun. One of my favorite pictures is of him, Calen, and Eleanor. Christian was an inspiring young man full of character and attitude. I cherish the times spent with him, laughing about something or the other. I will always miss him, but I will never forget him.

Ed Salau

Christian’s impact hit me hard when we first met. He was just Christian, and his engaging personality shifted me away from what should have been the shock of meeting a man with Fanconi anemia. He was such an impressive man. I was amazed by his love and knowledge of history, freemasonry, and law enforcement. But, his sense of humor fueled our more frequent conversations. For example, one day, while drinking beers after a Caddy event, he shared a story about a waitress he had recently encountered. He said the server laughed and chuckled when he ordered a beer, as though he was a child. He said he casually flashed his driver license and said to her “Read it, bitch.”  I loved that about Christian. 

Roger Clemens

I remember on the tee box at one of the golf outings a fan handed me a baseball to sign. At that time Christian was there with me and I started to show him how I held (gripped) my pitches to throw the baseball at different speeds. I showed him the 4-Seam fastball and said I throw this pitch between 95 mph and 100 mph. Christian said “I love the heat, but show me the splitty!” (Referring to my split finger fastball) I knew from that moment on I had another pitching coach!

  “HOOK EM ”



Boss Denny Wisely

“Christian Collins was an inspiration to all who had the privilege of meeting him.  Always upbeat, always a smile on his face. 

He came to see many Blue Angel Air Shows and was as much an attraction as the team.  He made an effort to seek out the 

police officers at the airshows and tell them how much he admired what they were doing. He may have been short in stature,

but he was tall in character.  Christian had the ability to touch the heart of everyone.  Christian’s infectious personality rubbed

off on all of us.”

Blue Angel Boss Denny Wisely

Shaun “Linus” Swartz

“Christian was one of those guys that just made us all better.  I think we would all agree on that.  I was fortunate to cross paths with Christian many times over the past 15 years or so, usually at airshows or other Blue Angels events (somehow I was never granted access to all of the really super cool golf outings he was a part of…like Augusta!).  Certainly my most vivid, and probably my favorite memory of spending time with Christian was at the Blue Angels reunion dinner at the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, FL for their 65th anniversary.  Christian and I were at the same table for dinner and he had just a running diatribe of one-liners, jokes, good-natured harassment and the sort, all night long.  I’m not even sure that I finished my dinner because I was too busy laughing all night.  This was what being with Christian was like.  Laughter, smiles, family.  He made you forget about all the little things we all tend to focus energy on, and just enjoy LIFE!”

General James Myers

“Christian was a fearless, humorous, and courageous person who happened to have Fanconi Anemia. He was fearless in everything he did…humorous and fearless in trash talking the elite golfers of the world by phone, text or in-person...or asking a 2-star general why I kneel to talk to him when he doesn’t kneel to talk to me.  Courageous and fearless in fighting the incredible and numerous health battles and smiling every day he was doing so.  That smile on his face sitting in the “tricked out” Pontiac Trans-Am…it is an iconic memory I will never forget.  We were all blessed to have known Christian and we miss him every day!”


Chris Harrell

I have been employed by the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office for over 23 years. In my career, I have had the opportunity to work in many different areas of law enforcement. These experiences have helped me develop relationships, both professional and personal, that have shaped me into who I am today. Of all the people I have met, my friend, Christian Collins surpassed them all. Christian had a bold personality and loved law enforcement more than anyone I know. Several years ago, he came to work for my security team at Stratford Academy. It didn’t take him long to determine which deputies he felt were qualified for the job, and those he felt should be fired. Not only did he share his opinion with me, but also to the deputies he felt didn’t meet the standard. He wasn’t shy, and if you didn’t want to know his opinion, it was best not to ask. This year, for his 28th birthday, he got the gift of a lifetime. A 1977 Pontiac Firebird, exactly like the one driven by the Burt Reynolds, in Smokey and the Bandit. I had the honor to ride with him in that car, up and down the interstate. We both felt like we were running blocker for the Snowman. The only issue he had was allowing a law enforcement officer to drive the Bandit’s car, but luckily for me, because of our friendship, he gave me a pass. I will cherish those memories of him, along with all the others we shared through the years. There will never be another like him, and I will honor his memory every chance I get. He touched my life in a very profound way, as he did so many others. I will always love you, my Friend! 

Stephen “Kup” Kupcha

I started my journey serving with SEAL Team One, SEAL Team Seven and Naval Special Warfare Advanced Training Command leading the Tactical Communications training pipeline. After my time in the Navy, I ran Birdies for the Brave for the PGA TOUR. This is where I met Christian, and forged a lasting friendship.

Of all my adventures, being part of Christian’s Touch is the most fulfilling. Christian was a great friend who has changed my life for the better. Most would argue that during my military career I was surrounded by the toughest men on earth. I might have agreed if it was any day prior to that fateful Military Appreciation ceremony during the 2009 PLAYERS Championship. That day I met a young man tougher and harder than I could ever dream to be. I am looking forward to supporting the men and women in Law Enforcement and their families through Christian’s Touch because that is what my friend, my hero, Christian Collins, would want.”


Brad White

My name is Brad White, I am the Sheriff of Lamar County, Georgia. I met Christian in 2013. I firmly believe GOD placed him in my life. Christian loved everything about law enforcement. I swore him in as a deputy in 2014. He loved to go to law enforcement equipment stores and browse through all of the gadgets. His favorite tool was the taser. He was loved by everyone at our office. I was extremely glad to have him as a deputy. I will always cherish our time together and was honored to have him as my friend. 

GOD Bless

Blair Sasnett

It is no secret that Christian had a great love for anything law enforcement. I met Christian when I was invited to eat dinner with his family.  My wife and Christian’s sister are best friends, so I had no choice but to meet her family as well.  Christian knew that I was in law enforcement because his sister had told him, so if you know Christian, you know he had a million questions for me.  Since our families were so close, I was able to spend a lot of time with Christian on various birthdays and/or holidays.  One of the funniest memories I have of Christian is when we were standing outside at a friend’s house and one of their neighbors came over.  Christian thought the neighbors were very odd and he would always talk about how I needed to investigate them.  He would often compare the neighbors to characters from the TV show Breaking Bad, and jokingly send me random text messages asking if I had seen “Walt” lately.  Christian’s personality was infectious, and I will miss him greatly.

James Boychuk

Christian has had a profound impression on me since the first day I met him. I can’t explain why but I would see Christian in so many people at random times. Completely out of the blue, I would see someone on the street or in a store and they would have a feature that would instantly remind me of Christian, I could almost see his face in theirs. I have never had this happen with anyone else before and it’s something that has left me wondering many times. One evening, my wife, daughter and I were having dinner with Christian and his parents, Susan and Chris. Susan and I were talking about religion and how angels have an impact on peoples lives. She mentioned a few stories about angels in her life and how they have impacted her. I could tell by the passion in her voice, she believes angels were put on earth to help guide people. She asked me if I had any experiences with angels. I told her the story about how I see Christian in so many people and the closest thing in my life that resembles an angel is Christian. I will never forget Susan’s response and Christian’s face after I made that comment. Susan looked at me, almost mad, and said “well your little angel called me a dirty name this morning”, I looked at Christian and his face was beat red, the look on his face was as if to say, “thanks for bringing that up again”.


Russ Holden

It was a moment in time that would change my life beyond my wildest imagination. Susan briskly walked into my office dangling that car carrier with her new infant son. We knew there were issues with the baby prior to birth, and then the ultimate birth came with even more problems than anticipated. When she pulled back those covers and I saw Christian for the first time a wave of emotion hit me like never before. I saw that tiny body filled with innocence, moving and yearning for life like any other baby, but with my differences that were almost unfathomable to me. At that very moment, I knew somehow, some way, I had to make a difference on this disease and situation. In retrospect, you could say “Caddy For A Cure” was “born” at that very instant.

Fast forward many years and I can only look back with utter amazement how Christian impacted so many people through Caddy For A Cure. Dealing with some of the most successful people ever in sports, golf specifically, he literally became the face and name of Fanconi anemia to hundreds of thousands of people. His infectious smile and personality met on equal terms with the likes of people like Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, Bubba Watson, Lexi Thompson, and hundreds of other world class golfers. Christian routinely would initiate a gathering among some of the most famous people in the world and hold court. We would often watch in amazement as he would garner the attention from people like Toby Keith. The United States Navy Blue Angels. 4 Star Army Generals. Severely combat wounded veterans. And frankly anyone who would come in contact with him.

What an honor it was to call him my best friend for decades. I meant it with all my heart and am deeply grateful to have the opportunity to continue his legacy assisting others, in the most caring of ways through Christian’s Touch. I believe he would have had it no other way.

William Schwab

August 25, 2021 is a day I will never forget.  It is the most rewarding day I have ever experienced in my career.  On this day, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Christian Collins.  I had been asked to visit Christian because he was dealing with some medical issues, and I was attempted to locate The Bandit…turns out, the Trans Am was in the barn. When I first saw Christian, he was sitting around a fire pit with his family, and I was immediately taken aback. Christian’s smile and the look in his eyes is something that I can’t put into words.  Here was a young man that was fighting for his life, yet he had a smile that could light up a room and a look in his eyes that showed determination and perseverance.  What was also truly inspiring about Christian was his mindset.  Throughout our entire time together, he never once complained, hung his head, or lost his sense of humor.  He maintained a positive mindset, kept making everyone laugh, and never once felt sorry for himself.  I learned very quickly how truly amazing Christian was. I gave Christian two GSP challenge coins; one being a challenge coin of our blue and gray patrol car because I knew how much Christian liked our patrol cars.  Christian held those two challenge coins in his left hand and never let go, not once.  When I asked Christian if he wanted to sit in my patrol car, without hesitation, he said yes. While he sat in the driver’s seat, Christian put on my Big Hat and for a moment, I was really hoping we could swap my Charger for his Trans Am.  Either way, I know Christian would have caught me regardless of what I was driving.  I spent about an hour and a half with Christian and his family that day.  I was so overcome with emotion, that I wanted to visit with Christian the following day. I wanted to come back to not only check on Christian, but for my own selfish reasons.  I have listened to countless motivational speeches, and I’ve read motivational books but nothing I have ever listened to or read holds a candle to Christian.  Knowing what Christian was going through, yet he still had the willingness and determination to get in my patrol car, put on my Big Hat, and hold onto two challenge coins all while having a smile on his face.  If that’s not motivation, I don’t know what is.  During my time with Christian, he did more for me than I ever could have done for him.  He motivated me to be not only a better Trooper, but a better man.  The background on my phone is a picture of Christian and I with his Trans Am and my patrol car in the background.  It is a constant reminder of how truly special Christian was and I am forever grateful that I have the honor of meeting him.  I’ve heard a famous quote multiple times over the years that says, “It is the lives we encounter that make life worth living.” I could not agree more with this quote.  Christian Collins touched the lives of more people than anyone will ever know.  For me, Christian has inspired me every day since the day I met him, and he has made life worth living.  Having the pleasure of meeting Christian and his family has further cemented that my decision to become a Trooper was the right one. Christian, I know you’re at home with the Lord, but feel free to ride shotgun in my blue and gray any time you want. 

JT Ricketson

I first met Christian at Martha Bowman United Methodist Church.  Christian was around 7 or 8 years old at the time.  Christian was around the same age as my youngest son.  I knew early on that he was a genuine person just by the way he carried himself.  Christian and I would say “Hi” as we passed each other at church and exchange brief comments about what was going on in his life.  I really didn’t get to know Christian until several years later.

            About 7 or 8 years ago I transferred to the GBI Perry field office.  Part of my responsibility was partnering with Crime Stoppers and participating in their annual fund-raising event held at the Macon Coliseum.  The GBI was responsible for setting up a mock crime scene, providing the Explosive Ordinance Disposal Bomb truck, and displaying our remote-controlled robot.  Christian attended this event every year because he was fascinated with law enforcement, all our cool gadgets, and he genuinely wanted to protect the public.  Christian had some very cool gadgets himself that he had acquired like a tactical vest, a badge, and a walkie-talkie.  Christian recognized me and immediately came up and started asking questions about our mock crime scene, what type of equipment was on our bomb truck, and wanting to know how the robot worked.  He and I exchanged phone numbers and our friendship went to another level.

Christian began to send me text messages when crimes occurred in our community.He truly cared about my safety as I responded to the various shooting incidents.He always asked very inquisitive and insightful questions about the incidents.The last time I saw Christian was at a political fund-raising event where Governor Brian Kemp and Senator David Perdue were speaking.Christian had been hired to work as security for the event.The host of the event, Roy Fickling and Christian’s Dad were good friends.Christian and I talked about 20 minutes on how best to handle the security at this event.We walked around the perimeter and I pointed out the best tactical locations where he could observe the most people.I really enjoyed this interaction with Christian and listening to his ideas on how to keep the people safe.Christian was the epitome of a public servant.I was honored to call him friend and I truly miss him.